Thursday, October 22, 2009

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Old Naked Women for Peace

So my awesome former teacher also sent me the link to this video and although it's pretty funny and I believe in their message of promoting justice and peace, I have to say, it doesn't completely sit right with me. These women are clearly playing off the notion that old fat naked women do not exactly fit the beauty ideal, and at the same time are reinforcing the ideal rather than challenging it. The "threat" they make in the name of their cause makes a statement, but also encourages observers and participators to think of these bodies as not just undesirable but downright disgusting, rather than beautiful. If we are going to redefine beauty to be more inclusive and positive for all women, we should stop referring to ourselves in negative terms and instead promote the idea that all women can be beautiful, 'cause I don't know about you, but when I'm old, I'm going to be sexy as hell.

Monday, October 5, 2009

I was introduced to this poem a few months ago and had to share it. Creating and maintaining positive body image is a constant struggle for many people (myself definitely included) so finding things that promote positive attitudes about bodies are really important. Hopefully one day positive body image won't be so rare.